Women’s place in ag changing …..by Myrna Stark Leader Feb. 2018
This year’s Golden
Globe Awards shone a light on greater empowerment, equality, and recognition of
women across the film business – issues paralleled in agriculture.
Oprah’s inspirational
speech talking about women and people empowering each other produced accolades
and visions of orators like Marten Luther King encouraging people to rise up. For
women in the agriculture industry, rising up to equality continues to be a
challenge but times are changing.
According to
Statistics Canada’s 2016 Census of Agriculture, 28.7% of the 271,935 farm
operators on agricultural operations or 77,970 were women, an increase since
2011. Women were most prevalent among farm operators aged 35 to 54 years
(30.7%), followed by those aged 55 and older (27.7%) and those
under 35 years of age (26.4%).
More rural women, once
isolated from peers and support by distance and workload now have instant
connections online and through social media. The channels are enabling women to
connect like never before.
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Mary Ann |
Right after Globes, the
Agriculture Women’s Network (AWN) Facebook page carried a post seeking advice. By
coincidence, not plan, Mary Ann Doré, a dairy farmer, reached out.
salesman had come to their 90-cow operation near Kitchener, Ont. It was a
welcome visit because the farm, which is Doré’s family farm and where she and her
city-raised husband are now partners, needed some new equipment. When the
salesmen arrived, her reached
past her outreached hand twice to shake the hands of her brother and husband
before sitting down. She left the barn in anger and asked the group what
she could have done.
“How often do you say something? I’m
not level headed enough to say something at the time,” she wrote. “Joe (husband) said he’s going to speak to the owner about it, but
I’m just so tired of this still happening.”
Within minutes and for
days following, responders acknowledged her situation and shared advice and
Responders understood
why the situation upset her. Most encouraged her to stay in the meeting.
Suggestions included: place a call the salesman’s boss; have her husband and
brother introduce her as a partner; be bold, temper her emotion and put her
hand forward and introduce herself.
After listening, Doré
followed up with the salesmen and his company via email sharing this back with
the group: “The owner and salesperson
both emailed me back and he explained it was a complete accident and he was
horrified that I felt that way as he is an equal partner with his wife.”
“With my scenario last
week, it ended up being that he apologized and it taught me that I should say
something and stay in the room and how to process that really helped me,” Doré, a
seventh-generation dairy farmer, explains.
As a volunteer
administrator with the Ag Women’s Network, Doré says it’s the kind of situation she
and a group of friends where hoping to address with when they started the group
two years ago.
“AWN is able to connect
people who don’t normally get connected., people who are isolated…What I really
like is that outreach of support. When I joined, we’d recently moved and I
didn’t know any other female dairy farmers in my area and I felt like I was the
only person working fulltime on a farm. But you quickly realize that isn’t the
case. Everyone is just so busy so you don’t see them.”
AWN largely serves
southwestern Ontario, but there are similar networks in Saskatchewan and BC.
“There’s talk of us
joining forces but right now, we’re happy to have anyone join in,” Doré
explains referring to AWN. “We’re always trying to get more people to post and
share ideas. There’s so much wealth in people’s experiences and there’s so many
people on the channel that you really just have to ask and someone has been in
the same situation.”
Speaking up or asking
for help still work in progress for some
“People don’t feel
confident enough or they don’t have the support of their family…I can only
think of once where someone dismissed me. He was a demolition expert and was
elderly and asked whether this was my husband’s farm or my dad’s. I just let it
go, but any other times, my family will stand behind me, but I know friends
that don’t have that,” says Doré.
People on the channel
show each other respect and posts don’t often need moderation. However, she
says they have discussed women who make it to the top of organizations but are
threatened or not confident enough to give other women a leg up which is a
“Women are often the
harshest to each other,” says Doré. “And we moderate for that.”
Still too many stories of challenge
Enough examples have
been shared on the AWN pages to demonstrate equality in the field of
agriculture still needs work.
“This woman, her
husband took the paternity leave as was company policy, and he never lived it
down. They made fun of him for years and I want to make it go away,” says Doré.
Another woman said she
always introducers herself and Curtis, her husband. She’s not Curtis’s wife.
Yet another, writes that her husband sells iron and she reminds him every day
that if he doesn’t work his ass off to kill the patriarchy, his daughters will
never farm and their legacy will die.
unfortunate that this goes beyond the sales aspect of ag,” wrote
another woman. “I attended a district
commodity meeting yesterday where one of the key speakers had interspersed a
few sexist jokes into his presentation. And only hours before, the
meeting had opened with the commodity group asking for "more female
leadership". No wonder they are having a harder time finding women
willing to be on their boards! Maybe think twice about who they allow to
speak and ask for a copy of their presentation... the sad thing is, another woman
in attendance said she had seen this presentation before, so it's not like it
was completely out of the blue.”
“Something that really stood
out in the comments to me was what to do when a speaker at a conference or at a
meeting says something sexist, how do you address that, not only on your own
farm but in the face of many male peers,” says Doré.
“It’s good we’re talking about this and what to do about it and very publicly
instead of complaining to other woman about how annoying that is.”
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Jenn |
Agronomist Jenn Doelman,
who farms on a 2,600-acre cash crop farm about an hour northwest of Ottawa, was
watching the AWN thread. She’s describes Eastern Ontario as a cross-section of
the independence of Northern Ontario and Western Canada tied in with a Southern
Ontario flavour. A third-generation seed grower, Jenn’s family farm was
principally seed production & cow/calf and feedlot operation. They exited
cattle pre-BSE. Now, in addition to their wholesale seed production, they
operate a full-service crop inputs and feed retail operation.
“Growing up, the stereo
types existed. There was a big split in age between my siblings. Mom was a nurse
and dad farmed and I did a lot of the child rearing,” Doelman says adding the reward
for helping was being able to help on the farm with the equipment.
In high school, she
wanted nothing to do with the farm and was going to be a physiotherapist until
she visited the U of Guelph, fell in love with the campus and became a crop
scout. When she graduated, her parents needed help and asked her to come home. She
did and began to manage the family’s farm supply business.
She says it was tough
being the only female seed person in the area, even though there were previous
female role models and she’d always experienced her mom participate as a full farm
partner even with her nursing career.
“I was able to hold my
own because I really new my stuff, so if a guy did tell me he wasn’t interested
in buying seed or fertilizer, I would just put a few new pieces of information
in his ear and prove that I was worth talking to. It probably took about four
years of being at home managing the business where people finally stopping
coming in and asking for “the boss” - wanting to talk to my father. Eventually,
dad would just say, ‘I don’t know, that’s Jenn’s department.’ It takes strong
men to ensure you have the resources and not be threatened by it,” says
Today, she and her
husband are equals sharing all the duties because, she says, that’s how his
mother raised him.
“Sometimes, we forget
that the best way to make change is to show our son’s and daughters how to
treat people properly.”
But change takes time
especially when it’s transformational and breaking generations of behaviour. Her
dad took over from his dad, and often it’s still the son who is assumed will be
the next generation. Ironically, the
business, named when she was a child, is still Barclay Dick and Son Farm
Supply. She says some things are not worth raising at this point.
What she can more
easily change is not making assumptions about the sex of anyone in any
position, not being content to be in the background even if it means having
always to be the one to stick out your hand first, encouraging younger women to
be bold and changing how the business operates today. That includes hiring
women. She says her Quality Assurance Manager is a transgender woman who first
started as a male summer student. It’s about acceptance. “Jesse is the same
remarkable person she’s always been – now she just isn’t stuck conforming to
male stereotypes. Equality is about respect for each other and embracing our
differences as strengths not weaknesses.”
She says women need to
gain confidence in themselves and having a network of support like AWN is
helpful. So is learning not to make cultural assumptions like the sex of who is
running the farm or of the person working for a business that supports the
She says she is working
to stop referring to everyone as “guys”. While it’s a small change, she
believes it’s important and will become more so with farm successions taking
place across Canada over the coming years.
changes required
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Diane |
Diane McKenzie also saw
the AWN thread. She’s a cattle and grain farmer at Warner, Alberta, south of
Lethbridge. She calls herself “a mature farm woman” who went back to school at
close to 50 years of age. She’s now pursuing a Master’s Degree and the working title
of her thesis is A History of Rural Women
and the Intergenerational Transfer of the Family Farm.
Using a feminist approach
to rural women’s history, she hopes to better understand generational changes.
She is interviewing 15 to 20 rural women across three generational cohorts in
Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba – 30s, 50s, 70s.
“It’s such a complex
issue,” says McKenzie. “I am thinking about the conditions that surround rural
woman. I am working to better understand generational changes around those
conditions that impede rural women’s full participation in agriculture.”
She says Dore’s post
was good and so was the follow up conversation, but she believes we need to go
one step further to look at the systematic structures keeping women in ag in
“Sometimes the
discussion is about empowerment but I’m not sure what that means to each member
of the group. We talk about the incident – the man reaching past her – and we
hash that out, but more and more I think about how the system functioning
underneath the discussion doesn’t get dug into very often.”
She hesitantly names it
“The system is not
designed for women’s full participation,” she says. “One of things I’ve tried
to use as an example is when there is an article or advertisement about succession
of the family farm with pictures in a magazine, how many of those pictures show
three or four generations of men standing in the field? And I understand that
it’s changing but that is our cultural norm.”
She hopes people will
do more critical thinking about why things are as they are and how things may
change in a real way, not a token way, to include women.
“I was reading
something the other day about systems where an author said these types of doors
do not get opened very often because you can’t close the door once you’ve
opened it and looked in. So as an example, once you’ve opened the white
privilege door, and analyzed what is inside, you can’t shut that door. Once
you’ve started that awareness, you have a different perspective and you
approach life differently. The status quo is in question.”
McKenzie says change
eventually happens once people’s eyes are opened.
“I hope to work as a
facilitator with families in farm succession. I’m also very interested in
speaking to people in the rural community about rural women’s participation in
agricultural business. I’ve already found using words like feminism, patriarchy
and gender, the walls fly up, and so I’ve been thinking about ways to deliver
my message. The last time I was involved in a rural women’s association it was
Herford Belles, which folded years ago. We certainly weren’t discussing women’s
issues then, so times are changing but we’ve have a long way to go.”
She’s also pursuing
research about property ownership. First-born sons are still a pretty popular
“That’s my argument,
it’s the system that needs to change and it may take another 100 years but you
have to start somewhere and you start by becoming more aware of the actual
system, not the symptoms of the system. I finally opened the door pretty late
in life and now I can’t close it.”